Anorgasmia & Orgasmic Dyfunction 
Causes depression, anxiety, and strained relations.
Female anorgasmia is not just about pleasure; the inability to reach orgasm, can lead to issues that span physical, psychological, and relational domains. Here are some potential problems:

Physical Issues:

  1. Sexual Frustration: Prolonged sexual arousal without release can lead to discomfort and frustration.
  2. Decreased Libido: Persistent anorgasmia can reduce sexual desire and interest over time.
  3. Pelvic Pain: Continuous muscle tension without the release of orgasm can cause pelvic pain.

Psychological Issues:

  1. Low Self-Esteem: Women may feel inadequate or flawed due to their inability to orgasm.
  2. Anxiety and Depression: Chronic sexual dissatisfaction can contribute to anxiety and depressive symptoms.
  3. Increased Stress: Sexual frustration can increase overall stress levels.

Relational Issues:

  1. Strain on Relationships: Partners may feel responsible or inadequate, leading to tension and misunderstandings.
  2. Communication Breakdown: Difficulty discussing sexual problems can hinder open communication between partners.
  3. Infidelity Risks: In some cases, sexual dissatisfaction might lead to seeking fulfillment outside the relationship.

Emotional Issues:

  1. Feelings of Isolation: Women with anorgasmia may feel isolated or alone in their experiences.
  2. Decreased Intimacy: Lack of orgasmic experiences can reduce feelings of closeness and intimacy with a partner.
  3. Frustration and Resentment: Persistent anorgasmia can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment, both towards oneself and one's partner.

Social Issues:

  1. Cultural and Societal Pressure: Societal expectations and cultural norms around female sexuality can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy.
  2. Stigma and Shame: Women may feel stigmatized or ashamed about their sexual difficulties, leading to reluctance in seeking help.
What's been tried...
Sexual Education
Learning more about one's body and sexual response can be empowering and helpful.
Open Communication
 Encouraging open and honest conversations with partners about sexual needs and experiences.
Research has shown that cosmetic labialplasty can sometime improve orgasm.

What we do NOT have...a drug that is FDA-approved to improve female orgasm.
The Clitoxin® Procedure:
What is it?
How does it work together with the O-Shot® Procedure to "Help Orgasm"?
Upon injection of botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) into the clitoris, the following sequence of events is hypothesized:

Uptake and Transport: BoNT is absorbed through endocytosis and subsequently transported via axonal pathways to the ganglia located within the vaginal wall.
Neural Signaling: The ganglia then communicate via afferent autonomic nerves in the inferior hypogastric plexus to the hypothalamus, which houses the arousal center.

Hypothalamic Activation: Activation of the hypothalamus triggers arousal, desire, lubrication, and orgasm through efferent signals directed back to the genitalia and the cerebral cortex, thereby enhancing sexual satisfaction in women.

In addition to these neural effects, BoNT induces neovascularization, neurogenesis, and local vasodilation. These therapeutic effects are further potentiated when BoNT is used in conjunction with the regenerative properties of platelet-rich plasma.

More studies need to be done, but this could be a new and important stand-alone tool and a way to enhance other procedures and medications.

What's Possible (& Not Possible)
Clitoxin®, a botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) injection into the clitoris, offers a novel approach. It potentially enhances sexual function, including orgasm, through several mechanisms:

Activation of the Autonomic Nervous System: BoNT is thought to travel along axons to ganglia in the vaginal wall, signaling the hypothalamus (arousal center). This activation might elevate baseline arousal levels, leading to increased sexual desire and responsiveness.

Increased Blood Flow: BoNT may relax the smooth muscles of arterioles, enhancing blood flow and clitoral engorgement, contributing to heightened sensitivity and arousal.

Tissue Regeneration: BoNT stimulates neovascularization, neurogenesis, and collagen production, potentially improving overall genital health and function.

Initial studies show that the Clitoxin® procedure works best when combined with the O-Shot® procedure.

However, it is crucial to consider comprehensive systems analysis for effective diagnosis and treatment, as no single therapy universally resolves all sexual health issues.
In the study first demonstrating improvement in sexual function with the clitoral injection of botunlinum toxin, the overall improvement of the female sexual function index increased more than any drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of female sexual dysfunction.
Get trained by Dr. Charles Runels and  Dr. Red Alinsod
Physicians (and physicican extenders in some states) can sometimes  help change the lives of women and their families in dramatic ways.  Let us give you a collection of research papers regarding the Clitoxin® procedure as well as an explanatory video. We can also update you when new and relevant research is published. This is adult material--not pornography, but does include discussions of sex that sometimes include words and photos of the genitalia. By giving me your information on this form, you are confirming that you are over 18 years old and a medical professional.
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